Mail reçu !

Une bonne chose de faite le mail qui me dit que ma candidature est acceptée (première étape mais quand même) est arrivé ce midi. Soit 4 jours après l’envoi spontané. Pour aller plus loin je dois téléphoner à Valérie ce que je vais faire de ce pas 😉


Dear Candidate,
You recently sent us your application of employment for the
Walt Disney World- Cultural Representative program . We would like to discuss your application as soon as possible to consider you for our next selections  which will be held in October  2010 in Paris.
Our next departures will be between
February and June 2011.
The next step of your application will be a phone interview.
This step is compulsory to process your application further and need to be done as soon as possible.
Before your interview, make sure to read all the information in our website :
We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Best Regards,


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